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Clean portfolios

eVALUEator exists to provide the best tools on the market for screening investments according to morally and biblically-responsible ways. We have always sought to stay ahead of the game in three main areas: 1) providing our customers with the most up-to-date research, 2) continually improving our software to ensure an easy and fast user experience, and 3) maintaining an excellent, personal customer-service experience.

What is "BRI"?

Orginally Socially Responsible Investing ("SRI") was the only form of screening investments based on values that lean more toward environmental/social issues. In 1994, the new concept called Values-Based Investing ("VBI") emerged. This move toward christian beliefs brought about change in the way investments were viewed. Later it was renamed Morally Responsible Investing ("MRI") to better define the movement as Christian. More recently and appropriately Biblically Responsible Investing ("BRI") became a more common term to decribe investing based on the Word of God.


Since 1995, eVALUEator has existed to help reshape the way we invest. We have been grateful to see God’s faithfulness throughout our history, and we are excited to see how God will continue to use eVALUEator to transform advisory practices and even the broader culture we live in. When we being to use our investment dollars with discretion, business and corporations will listen.

  • Launched the first faith-based mutual fund screening tool for advisors.

  • Created a software based screening tool with quarterly research updates. 4,000 mutual funds were available through Vickers fund data.

  • Launched a web-based research or downloadable smart client software with quarterly research updates on 4,000 mutual funds.

  • Restructured entire screening tool allowing real-time research updates on over 4,000 mutual funds. Offered customized fund reports. Changed data providers to Overlap fund data.

  • Added real-time equity research and company report generation in addition to open-ended mutual funds by offering optional levels of subscriptions. Created personalized marketing materials for subscribers.

  • Added ability for money managers to subscribe to equity research data to morally screen fund holdings.

  • Dan Celia endorsed eVALUEator during the launch of our bottom-up marketing to reach investors and generate leads to our subscribers. Launched our sister site ScreenIt-CleanIt.com giving consumers the ability to search products, services and companies based on biblically responsible investing.

  • Morningstar became our fund data provider, opening up both open-ended mutual funds and bond funds. For the first time, Advisors could compare fund reports seamlessly with Morningstar reports.

  • We were proud sponsors of Kingdom Advisors. With Morningstar data, we were able to provide fund of funds, ETFs, and variable annuity sub-account reports. eVALUEator now has over 11,000 funds available to view and print reports for clients.

Firms That Screen

CFD Investments

CFD Investments

CFD is an investment management firm offering advisors the ability to morally screen client's investments.

Eventide Funds

Eventide Funds

Eventide mutual funds invests in companies believed to be creating compelling value for society, and who align business practices with real human flourishing.

Faith Investor Services

Faith Investor Services

Faith Investor Services aims to invest in companies around the world that offer sustainable growth opportunities and whose business practices align with Christian values.

Flexible Plan

Flexible Plan

Flexible Plan Investments is a turnkey asset management program (TAMP) where advisers can access and combine multiple risk-managed strategies within a single account.

G.A. Repple & Company

G.A. Repple

G.A. Repple encourages clients and advisors to invest well in all areas of life that matter – faith, family, finances, freedom and philanthropy. Advisors can use eVALUEator to help clients match their beliefs.

Timothy Plan

Timothy Plan

Timothy Plan is a biblically reponsible family of mutual funds who have used screening research in eVALUEator since 1994.


Over 20 years of changing the way advisors and investors think about investments


Video Testimonials

Learn some strategies from other advisors who are using eVALUEator in their practice.